Warranty Registration Form In order to benefit from the full extended Charnwood warranty, please register your details below. Click here to preview location of serial number STOVE DETAILS Range: * Model: * Serial Number: * Colour: * Date of purchase: * YOUR DETAILS Please note that this is the Charnwood South Africa website. European stove registration should be undertaken at charnwood.com Title: * Email: * Country: First Name: * Post Code: Preferred Contact: AnyPhoneEmail Surname: * Phone: * Address Line 1: * Address Line 2: Town: * OFFICIAL STOCKIST DETAILS Supplier / Branch: * Phone: Address Line 1: * Address Line 2: Town: Post Code: Country: Email: Date of Installation: * Phone: * Email: Installer Name: * Address Line 1: * Address Line 2: Town: * Post Code: Country: * [/group] [group SelfInstalled] Date of Installation: * [/group] Select an Installer—Please choose an option—Dealer InstalledIndependent InstallerSelf Installed Date Of Installation Notes: * is a required field. You will be automatically added to our mailing list. If you wish to be removed at anytime, you can do so. Δ